
Beiter Peep Centering Aid for Scope diam. 29 and diam. 39

The Beiter Scopes Ø29 and Ø39 are by far the lightest Scope on the market. Both have their light weight characteristics thanks to a thin scope housing. Sometimes archers are arguing that it is too thin!
To better see the contoure of the scope body in the peep sight, Werner Beiter developed a new Peep Centering Aid, consisting out of different coloured O-Rings. These Rings show the Scope housing much better in the peep sight: therefore Beiter Scope and peep sight can be aligned faster, better and easier.
(The picture on the left shows a black Scope diam. 29 with a red Peep Centering Aid)

The Beiter Centering Aid for the Peep consists out of a set of O-Rings in different colours, which must be mounted on the outer diameter of the Scope.
The four availble colours delivered in the kit are: Red, Yellow, Black and Green.

Peep Centering Aid Beiter Scope 39  

Here you see some different combinations of Peep Centering Aid, aiming options, colours of Scope body and levels for both the Scopes diam. 39 (top) and Scope diam. 29 (bottom).

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