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We do have Datasheets in English and Spanish (at the bottom of the page!) for all our product-lines. You can download and print them.
Factory Settings for the Beiter Centralizer | The chart shows the distanced in inches between the Tuners for all Beiter Centralizer Long Rods between 26" and 54". |
Information Micro-Tuning | This Data Sheet helps to micro-tune your bow with the micro adjustements of the Beiter Plunger and Beiter Rest. The Tuning method has been published on International Magazines (Bow International and Arcieri, as well as on Bogensport Magazin). You can download the English version or the Italian version. |
Beiter Lock-System | PDF file, GB & D, approx. 3,7MB - Update 04/20 |
Nock | PDF file, approx. 0,4MB - Update 07/08 |
Nock Accessories | PDF file, approx. 0,4MB - Update 02/06 |
Var. Accessories & Tools | PDF file, approx. 0,6MB - Update 02/06 |
Plunger | PDF file, approx. 0,4MB - Update 06/08 |
Centralizer | PDF file, approx. 0,6MB - Update 11/05 |
Rest for Recurve | PDF file, approx. 0,3MB - Update 11/05 |
Klicker | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 11/05 |
Sight Tunnel | PDF file, approx. 0,5MB - Update 03/06 |
Scope Ø39 | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 07/06 |
Scope Ø29K | PDF file, approx. 0,3MB - Update 11/05 |
Scope Ø29 | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 11/05 |
Scope - Accessories | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 11/05 |
Scope - Pins & Rings | PDF file, approx. 0,1MB - Update 11/05 |
Winder | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 08/07 |
Tri-Liner | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 11/05 |
High Speed, Merchandising,... | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Update 08/07 |
Culatines | PDF file, approx. 0,4MB - Actualizado 08/07 |
Accessorios varios para Culatines | PDF file, approx. 0,4MB - Actualizado 02/06 |
Accessorios y Herramienta | PDF file, approx. 0,6MB - Actualizado 02/06 |
Botón de Presión | PDF file, approx. 0,4MB - Actualizado 12/06 |
Centralizer | PDF file, approx. 0,6MB - Actualizado 11/05 |
Reposaflechas para Recurvo | PDF file, approx. 0,3MB - Actualizado 11/05 |
Clicker | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Actualizado 11/05 |
Túnel de Mira | PDF file, approx. 0,5MB - Actualizado 03/06 |
Scope Ø39 | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Actualizado 07/06 |
Scope Ø29K | PDF file, approx. 0,3MB - Actualizado 11/05 |
Scope Ø29 | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Actualizado 11/05 |
Winder | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Actualizado 08/07 |
Tri-Liner | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Actualizado 11/05 |
High-Speed y Merchandising | PDF file, approx. 0,2MB - Actualizado 08/07 |
COC Armguard | Certificate of Conformity for our product group ARMGUARD, according to the Guidelines of the EC 89/686) - PDF file, approx. 0,4 MB, Update 07/15 |